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Pair bonding

Productive only when wedded to another molecule, the protein relies upon this structure to play the role of matchmaker, embedding an advertisement for a soul mate in the loops, bulges, and trenches created on its outer surface by the folds:
"Are You My Better Half?" -- SFP (single folded protein) with secure position in healthy cell seeks compatible molecule with interest in chemical engineering, architecture, or communication for exclusive short-term relationship. Please reply with details of your chemical structure.
The molecule with the most compatible profile wins the date and enters into a marriage of convenience, arranged by evolution to accomplish a specialized task. Paired with a matching substrate, an enzyme speeds up a vital chemical reaction. A rotor protein and a flagellar protein conspire to move a bacterium. [13]

Niefhoff, Debra. The Language of Life: How Cells Communicate in Health and Disease. Joseph Henry Press, 2005. ISBN: 0309089891.


At 23/7/06 08:24, Blogger SFP said...

Woo hoo! I'm a single folded protein!

At 23/7/06 12:51, Blogger JohnM said...

I wondered whether you'd noticed that (the 'sfp', not that you were a protein ;)

At 23/7/06 15:13, Blogger SFP said...

Oh, I noticed. I don't have a clue what it means, but I noticed all right. ;)


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